
How To Identify Counterfeit SkinCeuticals Products

Most people have heard about counterfeit designer swag – not all those Louis Vuitton bags are legitimate Louis Vuitton’s, after all. The world of online shopping has only made this phenomenon more commonplace, especially when it comes to skincare products. SkinCeuticals is not exempt from this fakery. It’s such a trusted and high-quality skincare line that people want to benefit from the name, without selling you the right products. There are easy ways to identify counterfeit SkinCeuticals products if you know what to look for.

Counterfeit Skincare: What’s the Problem?

You may be wondering why counterfeit skincare products should be avoided. It’s a good question and it’s important to understand the differences between real SkinCeuticals products and the counterfeit versions. Remember that SkinCeuticals is formulated with only the best ingredients backed by proven scientific results. Anything else won’t be backed by the same promise.


Counterfeit SkinCeuticals products simply won’t have effective ingredients. Purchasing authentic products from an authorized seller means you’re getting skincare products with potent and effective ingredients. Skincare products that aren’t from authorized sellers may be cheap imitations with filler ingredients that aren’t effective. 

Ingredients of fake SkinCeuticals Products may be:

  • Chemical-based instead of organic and natural.
  • The product can be diluted and missing key ingredients.


Purchasing counterfeit products may not be safe. They may have been stored improperly or manufactured without the safety and quality standards you find when purchasing real SkinCeuticals products. Counterfeit products may not hold to the same stringent safety and sanitation guidelines found in the real products and their production may not have been regulated for safety. In short, buying counterfeit products can put your health at risk.


When you purchase real SkinCeuticals from an authorized seller like The Skin Spot, it gives you peace of mind. Buying from an authorized seller means that the manufacturer will stand behind the product 100 percent. Counterfeit products do not come with that guarantee – you won’t know how it was made, purchased, or stored. At the end of the day, counterfeiters only care about your money, they don’t care about your safety or the quality of their product.

How to Identify Authentic Skincare Products

There are some general ways to ensure you’re buying authentic SkinCeuticals products. Here are the things to look for when purchasing skincare products:

How To Identify Counterfeit SkinCeuticals Products


The Price

Remember when you were warned that some things are too good to be true? Everyone wants to find a good deal but an authorized retailer is likely not going to miraculously drop the price of their products. That’s because brands, as well as manufacturers, regulate their pricing. That doesn’t mean you won’t find sales but be cautious if something looks suspiciously cheap.

Look at Labels

We’ll dig into what to look for on SkinCeuticals labels in just a moment, but in general, it’s important to scrutinize any label. If you find an error in the spelling, then that’s a dead giveaway. You may also want to look at the brand’s official site to compare labels.

Peruse the Packaging

If you’ve bought the product before, then compare the products side by side. Counterfeit products are often put in low-quality packaging. If a product doesn’t fit in its box or there are exposed pieces of cardboard in the packaging, then you’ve likely purchased something that isn’t legit.


The texture of a counterfeit SkinCeuticals product will not be the same as the authentic product. If you’ve used the specific product before and something seems off with it, then it’s probably fake.

Where the Product was Purchased

Specific brands, such as SkinCeuticals, only sell their products through authorized sellers. Make sure you’re buying from an authorized seller. If you’re not, then chances are you’re buying a counterfeit SkinCeuticals product.

Spotting Counterfeit SkinCeuticals Products

SkinCeuticals is a brand committed to producing the highest quality products. The SkinCeuticals brand abides by distribution practices that only include authorized sellers that reflect its core mission of providing science-based skincare products. You can spot counterfeit SkinCeuticals by looking at:


Easy giveaways are things such as different colors or fonts used on the packaging. The label may be off-center or positioned differently on the product as well. SkinCeuticals products also come with a ruler on the label. Counterfeit products often have a wider ruler. Every SkinCeuticals product also has a batch code on the bottom of the bottle. Counterfeit products will be missing this batch code as well as the recycling label.

The Amount of Product

SkinCeuticals fills every product it provides to consumers fully. If a bottle is not filled with a product, then question its authenticity.

Buying from an Authorized Seller

If you have purchased SkinCeuticals from someplace new, then make sure they’re an authorized seller. This is the number one way you can protect yourself from products that are counterfeit and may harm you. An authorized retailer is typically one of the following:

  • A plastic surgeon, medical spa, dermatologist, or other qualified skincare professional      
  • An online retailer that specializes in advanced skincare and cosmeceuticals


How To Identify Counterfeit SkinCeuticals Products

Authorized retailers, both online and off, can be found through the professional locator on the SkinCeuticals website. You can also find a list of sites that claim to sell authentic SkinCeuticals products but are not an authorized retailer. Remember that buying from anywhere else means that SkinCeuticals cannot confirm the formulations, ingredients, quality, handling, storage, concentrations, or manufacturing of the product.

A Word About Diversion

Product diversion is when unauthorized retailers sell professional skincare products (or any beauty product). These products expire which makes them less effective, or the product has been altered by diluting it or replacing it with a fake product. Most diverted products are of low quality and effectiveness. It’s important to note that some are simply dangerous to use because of the ingredients or the fact they’ve been handled poorly and may introduce harmful bacteria to your skin.

Diverted products can be difficult to spot because they may be in similar packaging. Until you put them side by side with a real product, you may not even be able to tell. The biggest red flag that something is diverted is who is selling it. Remember, SkinCeuticals products are only guaranteed if sold by an authorized retailer. If you find it someplace you wouldn’t expect to, then chances are it’s a diverted product. To keep yourself safe, always buy from an authorized retailer. 

Buy from The Skin Spot

The only way to truly protect yourself from counterfeit skincare products is to buy from a trusted, authorized source. The Skin Spot is an authorized retailer of SkinCeuticals skincare products. You will find only the highest quality – and real -- products with us!

Check Out Some of Our SkinCeuticals


Skinceuticals CE FERULIC


Skinceuticals Hyaluronic Acid Intensifier (H.A.)


Skinceuticals Phloretin CF


Skinceuticals Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2


Skinceuticals Physical Eye UV Defense SPF 50


Skinceuticals Physical Fusion UV Defense SPF 50


Skinceuticals Resveratrol BE


Skinceuticals Hydrating B5 Gel


Skinceuticals A.G.E. Eye Complex for Dark Circles





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I need help what ti do about fake stuff after seeing this on a order with a “authorized dealer” w 15% off, I spent $3000 and have issues w my skin worse than ever!!!

What can I do to get my money back from a order I made w a “authorized dealer with 15% off??? I spent $3000

How can i scan my product real or fake

Lee kin chung

I purchased 3 bottles of a product on line from e serum shops. Paid by Visa $ 321.57 CF.
Opened one and compared it to my original bottle. Obviously fake and affraid to put it on my skin.
Will I be able to return the bottles and at least get credit for the two unopened ones?

joy shuman

What can I do if I received fake product?


I’m wondering if i bought a legit skinceuticals C E Ferulic, i got it from a seller/advertiser on instagram. First time to see this item and i didn’t even know the real price of original so i bought 2 bottles for the price of not even half the price of legitimate one which i searched on real website of skinceutical.
Also, would like to know what is the initial result after 3 days to 1 week of applying.

Jocelyn Javier

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